African Grey Parrot Price In India – 2023 Guide

African Grey Parrot Price In India

African Grey Parrots are one of the most popular pet bird species in India. These intelligent and affectionate birds are prized for their ability to mimic human speech and their engaging personalities. As such, they are highly sought after by bird enthusiasts and pet owners alike.

The African Grey Parrot price in India can vary widely depending on several factors, including the bird’s age, gender, temperament, and overall health. Generally speaking, younger birds tend to be more expensive than older ones, as they have a longer lifespan and can be trained more easily. Female African Grey Parrot price in India is typically more than males, as they are rare and in high demand.

In addition to these factors, the price of an African Grey Parrot in India can also be affected by the breeder or pet store from which it is purchased. Some breeders may charge more for their birds due to their reputation or the quality of their breeding stock, while others may offer discounts or promotions to attract customers.

As of 2023, the African Grey Parrot price in India ranges from Rs. 40,000 to Rs. 100,000 or more, depending on the aforementioned factors. It is important to note, however, that the cost of owning an African Grey Parrot goes beyond just the purchase price. These birds require a lot of care and attention, as well as a variety of specialized equipment and supplies, which can add up over time.

Ultimately, the decision to bring an African Grey Parrot into your home should be based on several factors beyond just price, including your ability to provide for the bird’s physical and emotional needs, as well as your interest and commitment to caring for a pet bird.

Average African Grey Parrot Price In India

The African Grey Parrot is a highly intelligent and social bird that is popular among pet owners in India. These birds are known for their ability to mimic human speech and their playful personalities, making them a favorite among bird enthusiasts. The average African Grey Parrot price in India ranges from Rs. 40,000 to Rs. 1,00,000, depending on several factors.

However, what makes the African Grey Parrot unique and different from other birds is its remarkable cognitive abilities. These birds have been shown to have the intelligence level of a 5-year-old child and are capable of solving complex problems, recognizing shapes and colors, and even learning simple mathematics. They are also able to mimic human speech with incredible accuracy, making them one of the few birds capable of vocalizing actual words and phrases.

List of African Grey Parrot prices In different cities in India

African Grey Parrot prices In different cities in India

African Grey Parrots are one of the most popular pet birds in India. These birds are known for their intelligence, social nature, and ability to mimic human speech. If you’re interested in buying an African Grey Parrot, it’s important to know how much they cost in different cities across India.

NoCityAverage Price Range (INR)
1African Grey Parrot Price In Delhi40,000 – 80,000
2African Grey Parrot Price In Mumbai60,000 – 1,00,000
3African Grey Parrot price In Kolkata50,000 – 90,000
4African Grey Parrot Price In Banglore70,000 – 1,00,000
5African Grey Parrot Price In Chennai45,000 – 80,000
6African Grey Parrot Price In Hyderabad60,000 – 1,00,000
7African Grey Parrot Price In Ahmedabad50,000 – 90,000
8African Grey Parrot Price In Pune60,000 – 1,00,000
9African Grey Parrot Price In Jaipur40,000 – 80,000
10African Grey Parrot Price In Lucknow50,000 – 90,000

Types of African Grey Parrots with their prices In India

Types of African Grey Parrots with their prices In India

African Grey Parrots are one of the most intelligent and popular pet birds in India, known for their unmatched talking ability, charming personality, and stunning appearance. There are two main types of African Grey Parrots available in India: the Congo African Grey and the Timneh African Grey. The Congo is a larger parrot with bright red tail feathers, while the Timneh is slightly smaller with darker grey feathers.

1- Congo African Grey Parrot:

The Congo African Grey Parrot (Psittacus erithacus erithacus) is a subspecies of the African Grey Parrot and is native to the rainforests of West and Central Africa. They are one of the most intelligent birds, known for their ability to mimic human speech and their remarkable cognitive abilities.

Congo African Grey Parrots are medium-sized birds, typically weighing between 400-600 grams and measuring 33-37 centimeters in length. They have a distinctive dark grey plumage, with a lighter grey on the head and around the eyes. They have a black beak and bright red tail feathers.

In the wild, Congo African Grey Parrots are social birds that form flocks of up to 30 individuals. They feed on a variety of seeds, fruits, and nuts, and have a specialized diet that includes high levels of calcium and vitamin A.

On average, a young and healthy Congo African Grey Parrot price in India can range from INR 50,000 to INR 1,00,000 or more, depending on the quality and reputation of the breeder or pet store. It is important to note that purchasing a parrot is a significant responsibility and requires a lot of research and preparation to ensure that you can provide it with the necessary care and attention it needs to thrive in captivity.

2- Timneh African Grey Parrot

The Timneh African Grey Parrot (Psittacus erithacus timneh) is a subspecies of African Grey Parrot, native to the rainforests of West Africa, from Guinea to the Ivory Coast. They are smaller than the Congo African Grey Parrot and have a darker charcoal grey body, a horn-colored beak, and maroon tail feathers.

Like the Congo African Grey, the Timneh African Grey Parrot is highly intelligent and can mimic human speech. They are also known for their affectionate personalities, making them popular as pets.

In terms of price, the Timneh African Grey Parrot can be slightly less expensive than the Congo African Grey due to its smaller size. However, prices can still vary depending on factors such as age, gender, availability, and location. On average, a Timneh African Grey Parrot price in India can range from INR 30,000 to INR 70,000 or more, depending on the breeder or pet store. As with any pet, it is important to do thorough research and prepare properly before bringing a Timneh African Grey Parrot into your home.

Factors that influence the African Grey Parrot price in India

Factors that influence the African Grey Parrot price in India

The price of an African Grey Parrot in India can be influenced by various factors, including:

Age: Younger African Grey Parrots are usually more expensive than older birds. This is because younger birds have a longer lifespan, and can potentially live with their owners for several decades.

Gender: Male and female African Grey Parrots may have different prices. Females African grey parrot price in India may be more than males because they are often preferred for breeding.

Feather quality: The quality of a parrot’s feathers can also impact its price. A bird with vibrant and healthy feathers is likely to be more expensive than one with dull or damaged feathers.

Training: Trained parrots that can perform various tricks and mimic human speech tend to be more expensive than untrained birds.

Availability: The availability of African Grey Parrots in the market can also affect their price. If there are fewer birds available, the African grey parrot price in India may be higher.

Breeder or seller reputation: The reputation of the breeder or seller can also influence the African grey parrot price in India 2023. Established and reputable breeders may charge higher prices for their birds than less experienced sellers.

Location: The price of African Grey Parrots may also vary depending on the location of the seller. Birds sold in cities or regions with higher demand may be more expensive than those sold in less populated areas.

Legal status: The African Grey Parrot is a protected species under the Wildlife Protection Act of India. As such, the sale and purchase of these birds must be conducted in compliance with the law. The legal status of the bird can also affect African grey parrot price in India, as sellers may need to obtain specific permits and licenses to sell these birds legally.

History and present of the African Grey Parrot

History and present of the African Grey Parrot

The African Grey Parrot, also known as the Grey Parrot, is a highly intelligent and sociable bird that is native to the rainforests of West and Central Africa. These birds have been kept as pets and admired for centuries, and have a long and fascinating history.

In ancient times, African Grey Parrots were considered valuable trading commodities in Africa and were highly sought after by European explorers and traders who brought them back to Europe as exotic pets. They were also highly prized for their ability to mimic human speech and sounds and were often used as entertainers in courts and aristocratic circles.

In the 20th century, the demand for African Grey Parrots as pets increased dramatically, and this led to unsustainable levels of trapping and exporting of wild birds. This led to a decline in their populations, and African Grey Parrots are now listed as a vulnerable species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

Today, African Grey Parrots are bred in captivity and are popular pets around the world. They are highly intelligent and social birds that require a lot of attention and interaction to thrive. They are also known for their exceptional mimicry abilities and can learn a wide variety of sounds and words.

In recent years, African Grey Parrots have also become the focus of research into animal cognition and communication. Studies have shown that these birds are capable of complex problem-solving, have a highly developed sense of self-awareness, and can communicate with humans in sophisticated ways.

Despite their popularity as pets, African Grey Parrots remain a vulnerable species in the wild due to habitat loss and poaching for the pet trade. Conservation efforts are underway to protect their remaining populations and ensure their long-term survival.

Cost of raising an African Grey Parrot?

The cost of raising an African Grey Parrot in India can vary depending on various factors such as the cost of the bird itself, its food and toys, veterinary care, and other supplies. Here are some estimated costs for raising an African Grey Parrot in India:

Cost of the bird: The cost of an African Grey Parrot can range from ₹40,000 to ₹100,000 or more, depending on the breeder or seller.

Cage: A suitable cage for an African Grey Parrot can cost between ₹10,000 to ₹20,000 or more.

Food: African Grey Parrots need a variety of food to maintain a healthy diet, including fresh fruits and vegetables, pellets, and seeds. The monthly cost of food can range from ₹2,000 to ₹5,000 or more.

Toys: African Grey Parrots are intelligent birds and need toys for mental stimulation. The cost of toys can range from ₹500 to ₹2,000 or more per month.

Veterinary care: Annual veterinary checkups are important for the health of African Grey Parrots. The cost of a checkup can range from ₹1,500 to ₹3,000 or more, depending on the veterinarian.

Other supplies: Other supplies such as perches, bird baths, and cleaning supplies can cost around ₹2,000 to ₹5,000 or more.

Therefore, the total cost of raising an African Grey Parrot in India can range from ₹50,000 to ₹150,000 or more per year, depending on various factors.

Average lifespan of African Grey Parrot

Average lifespan of African Grey Parrot

The average lifespan of an African Grey Parrot is typically between 40-50 years in captivity, although some individuals have been known to live up to 60 years or more with proper care and attention. In the wild, African Grey Parrots may have a shorter lifespan due to a variety of factors such as predation, disease, and habitat destruction.

However, with proper nutrition, medical care, and social interaction, African Grey Parrots can live long and healthy lives in captivity. Owners need to provide their birds with a suitable environment, a balanced diet, and regular veterinary check-ups to ensure they are living their best life.

Health problems of African grey parrots in India

African grey parrots are one of the most popular pet birds in India, but unfortunately, they suffer from various health problems. Here are some Health problems of African grey parrots in India

Psittacine beak and feather disease (PBFD): This is a viral disease that affects the feathers and beak of the bird. It can cause the feathers to fall out, leaving the bird exposed to the elements, and can also cause the beak to become malformed and overgrown.

Aspergillosis: This is a fungal infection that can affect the respiratory system of the bird. It is often caused by exposure to moldy or damp environments.

Proventricular dilation disease (PDD): This is a viral disease that affects the nervous system and digestive tract of the bird. It can cause the bird to lose weight, have diarrhea, and regurgitate food.

Feather picking: This is a behavioral problem that can be caused by boredom, stress, or a lack of socialization. The bird will pluck its feathers, which can lead to skin infections and other health problems.

Vitamin A deficiency: This is a common problem in African grey parrots. It can cause respiratory problems, eye infections, and a weakened immune system.

Finding African Grey Parrot In India

It is possible to find African Grey Parrots in captivity in India. Here are a few places and platforms where you might be able to find African Grey Parrots for sale or adoption in India:

Pet stores: You can try visiting pet stores in your area to see if they have African Grey Parrots for sale. However, it’s important to make sure that the store is reputable and that the birds are being treated well.

Online marketplaces: There are several online marketplaces in India where you can find African Grey Parrots for sale, such as OLX, Quikr, and Facebook Marketplace. However, it’s important to exercise caution when buying pets online and to make sure that you’re buying from a reputable seller.

Bird breeding farms: Several bird breeding farms in India specialize in breeding exotic birds, including African Grey Parrots. You can try contacting these farms to see if they have any African Grey Parrots available for sale or adoption.

Pros and cons of owning an African Grey Parrot

Pros and cons of owning an African Grey Parrot:

Owning an African Grey Parrot can be a rewarding experience, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges. These intelligent birds are known for their ability to mimic human speech and their affectionate personalities. However, they require a lot of attention and commitment from their owners. Before deciding to get an African Grey Parrot as a pet, it is essential to weigh the pros and cons.


Intelligent and trainable: African Grey Parrots are highly intelligent and can be trained to perform a variety of tricks and behaviors, making them a fun and engaging pet.

Good mimics: African Grey Parrots are well-known for their ability to mimic human speech and sounds, which can be entertaining and amusing for their owners.

Long lifespan: African Grey Parrots can live up to 50 years in captivity, which means they can provide companionship for many years.

Low-maintenance: African Grey Parrots do not require a lot of maintenance and can be easily fed and cared for with a well-balanced diet and regular attention.


Expensive: African Grey Parrots can be expensive to purchase, and the cost of their care can also add up over time.

Loud vocalizations: African Grey Parrots are known for their loud vocalizations, which can be disruptive and annoying to neighbors.

Legal restrictions: African Grey Parrots are protected under Indian wildlife laws, and it is illegal to capture, sell, or transport them without proper permits and licenses.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the African Grey Parrot is a highly sought-after and beloved pet bird species in India due to its intelligence, social nature, and ability to mimic human speech. However, the African Grey Parrot price in India can vary widely depending on factors such as the age, breed, and location of the seller.

Potential buyers need to do their research and choose a reputable seller who can provide proper care and documentation for the bird. Overall, owning an African Grey Parrot can be a rewarding experience, but it is also a long-term commitment that requires dedication and care to ensure the well-being of the bird.


Is it legal to buy and own an African Grey Parrot in India?

Yes, it is legal to buy and own an African Grey Parrot in India, but it is essential to have the necessary permits and documentation. These birds are protected under the Wildlife Protection Act of India, and obtaining a permit from the Indian government is mandatory.

Can I buy an African Grey Parrot online in India?

Yes, you can buy an African Grey Parrot online in India from reputable breeders or pet stores. However, it is essential to ensure that the seller has the necessary permits and documentation and that the bird is healthy and well cared for.

Can African Grey Parrots be shipped to India?

Yes, African Grey Parrots can be shipped within India, but it is essential to ensure that the bird is transported safely and securely. It is also crucial to consider the weather conditions and make sure the bird is not exposed to extreme heat or cold during transportation.

Are African Grey Parrots good pets for beginners?

African Grey Parrots are intelligent, social, and demanding birds that require a significant amount of attention and care. They may not be the best pets for beginners or those who are not willing to devote the time and effort required to care for them properly.

Can African grey parrots talk?

Yes, African Grey Parrots are known for their ability to mimic and learn words and phrases. They have excellent communication skills and can learn an extensive vocabulary of words and phrases. Some African Grey Parrots have been known to develop an understanding of what they are saying and use words in appropriate contexts. However, it is important to note that not all African Grey Parrots will talk, and some may have a limited vocabulary or no interest in talking at all.

Do African Greys sleep at night?

Yes, African Grey Parrots do sleep at night, just like most birds. They have a natural sleep-wake cycle that is regulated by light exposure. In the wild, African Grey Parrots will typically roost in trees at night, and in captivity, they should be provided with a dark and quiet place to sleep.

What foods do African Grey Parrots need?

African Grey Parrots require a balanced diet that includes a variety of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and grains. It is important to provide them with a diverse diet to ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients. Additionally, they should have access to fresh water at all times.

Are African Grey Parrots suitable for living in India?

Yes, African Grey Parrots can live in India, but it is important to ensure they have a suitable living environment that meets their specific needs. This includes providing them with adequate space, suitable temperature and humidity levels, and access to a variety of toys and enrichment activities.

How can we help protect African Grey Parrots in India?

To help protect African Grey Parrots in India, it is important to support conservation efforts and avoid purchasing illegally-traded birds. You can also help by spreading awareness about the importance of protecting these birds and their habitat, and by reporting any illegal activities related to their trade or capture.

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