Discover The Latest Indian Spitz Price In India – [2023 Update]

Indian Spitz Price In India

The Indian Spitz is a popular breed of dog in India and is known for its cheerful and friendly personality. It is a medium-sized breed that resembles a small fox with a dense coat of fur and a bushy tail. The breed is a descendant of the German Spitz and was developed in India during the British colonial era.

The Indian Spitz is a highly adaptable breed that can thrive in a variety of environments, from apartments to large homes with yards. They are loyal and affectionate towards their owners and are known for their playfulness and intelligence. They make great family pets and are good with children.

The Indian Spitz price in India typically ranges from 4000 to 12000 Indian Rupees. The cost can vary depending on various factors such as the age of the dog, its lineage, and its location. Puppies are usually more expensive than adult dogs, and those with a pedigree or from champion bloodlines can fetch a higher Indian Spitz price in India.

It is important to note that while the initial cost of purchasing an Indian Spitz may be relatively low, owning a dog requires ongoing expenses such as food, veterinary care, and grooming. It is essential to budget for these expenses to ensure that the dog receives proper care and remains healthy and happy.

Overall, the Indian Spitz is a popular and affordable breed in India that makes an excellent companion for families and individuals alike. With their friendly personality and adaptable nature, they are sure to bring joy and happiness to their owners for years to come.

Average Indian Spitz Price In India

The average price range for Indian Spitz puppies in India is between INR 4000 to INR 6000, while the full-grown Indian Spitz price in India can be between INR 8000 to INR 12000. However, it’s important to note that Indian Spitz price in India can vary depending on various factors, including the location, breeder, and quality of the dog.

Potential buyers should always ensure that they are purchasing from a reputable breeder who takes proper care of their dogs and provides necessary vaccinations and health checkups. It’s also recommended to ask for relevant documentation, such as health certificates, before finalizing the purchase.

Overall, the Indian Spitz is a popular breed in India that makes for a great family pet. They are friendly, loyal, and intelligent dogs that are relatively easy to train, making them an ideal choice for first-time dog owners.

Indian Spitz Price In different cities in India

Indian Spitz Price In different cities in India

The Indian Spitz is a popular breed of dog in India. This friendly and loyal companion is known for its thick coat, pointed ears, and fluffy tail. If you’re considering getting an Indian Spitz, one of your primary concerns might be the price of Indian Spitz. To help you out, we’ve done some research on the Indian Spitz price in India different cities. Here’s a table for Indian Spitz prices in different cities in India

NoCityPrice Range (INR)
1Indian Spitz Price In Mumbai8,000 – 12,000
2Indian Spitz Price In Delhi8,000 – 11,000
3Indian Spitz Price In Bangalore8,000 – 10,000
4Indian Spitz Price In Hyderabad8,000 – 12,000
5Indian Spitz Price In Chennai7,500 – 10,000
6Indian Spitz Price In Kolkata7,500 – 11,000
7Indian Spitz Price In Pune8,000 – 11,000
8Indian Spitz Price In Jaipur7,500 – 10,000
9Indian Spitz Price In Ahmedabad7,500 – 9,000
10Indian Spitz Price In Surat7,500 – 9,000
11Indian Spitz Price In Lucknow7,500 – 10,000
12Indian Spitz Price In Kanpur7,000 – 9,000
13Indian Spitz Price In Nagpur7,500 – 10,000
14Indian Spitz Price In Visakhapatnam7,500 – 9,000
15Indian Spitz Price In Bhubaneswar7,500 – 9,000

Indian Spitz Color Variations and Prices

Indian Spitz dogs typically come in a range of colors. The most common color is white, but they can also be found in other colors such as cream, golden, brown, and black. Some Indian Spitz dogs may also have a combination of colors, such as white and brown, or white and black. Here is a general price range for Indian Spitz dogs based on their color variation in India:

  1. White/cream Indian Spitz: INR 4,000 – INR 12,000
  2. Golden Indian spitz: INR 4,000 – INR 12,000
  3. Black Indian Spitz: INR 6,000 – INR 15,000
  4. Brown Indian Spitz: INR 8,000 – INR 18,000

It’s important to note that the coat color of Indian Spitz dogs may vary depending on various factors such as genetics and breeding. Additionally, the color of their coat may change as they mature. For example, an Indian Spitz puppy may have a darker coat color that lightens as they grow older. Overall, white is the most common color for Indian Spitz dogs.

History of the Indian Spitz Dog

The Indian Spitz is a breed of dog that is believed to have originated in India. However, its exact origins are unclear, and there are several theories about its ancestry.

One theory suggests that the Indian Spitz is a descendant of the German Spitz, which was brought to India by European traders and colonizers in the 19th century. Another theory suggests that the breed is a descendant of the Pomeranian, which was also brought to India by European colonizers.

The Indian Spitz was originally bred as a companion and watchdog. Its small size, intelligence, and loyalty made it an ideal pet for Indian families. Over time, the breed became more popular and was recognized as a distinct breed by the Kennel Club of India in 1979.

Today, the Indian Spitz is a popular breed of dog in India and is also gaining popularity in other parts of the world. The breed is known for its friendly and playful nature, as well as its intelligence and trainability. It is also highly adaptable and can thrive in a variety of environments, from apartments to rural farms.

Despite its popularity, the Indian Spitz is not yet recognized by major international kennel clubs such as the American Kennel Club or the United Kennel Club. However, efforts are being made to gain recognition for the breed, and it is increasingly being bred and shown in dog shows around the world.

Factors Affecting Indian Spitz Price in India

Factors Affecting Indian Spitz Price in India

The price of Indian Spitz dogs in India can vary depending on several factors. Here are some of the factors that can affect the different cities:

Location: The location of the breeder or the buyer can have an impact on the price of Indian Spitz dogs in India. Generally, dogs in metropolitan cities or urban areas tend to be more expensive than dogs in rural areas.

Breeder: The reputation and experience of the breeder can also affect the Indian Spitz price in India. Reputable breeders who have a track record of producing high-quality dogs may charge more for their puppies.

Quality of the dog: The quality of the dog can also affect the Indian Spitz price in India. Dogs with good temperament, health, and lineage may be priced higher than dogs with less desirable qualities.

Age, size, and gender of the dog: The age, size, and gender of the dog can also have an impact on the Indian Spitz price in India. Puppies may be less expensive than adult dogs, while larger dogs may be priced higher than smaller ones. Male dogs may also be more expensive than females, depending on the demand.

Color variation: The color of the Indian Spitz dog can also affect the price to some extent. Rarer colors such as black and brown may be priced higher than more common colors such as white and cream.

Best Places to Find Indian Spitz in India

Best Places to Find Indian Spitz in India

Indian Spitz is a popular dog breed that has been bred in India for decades. These dogs are known for their loyalty, playfulness, and intelligence. If you are considering getting an Indian Spitz as a pet, then finding the right place to get one is important. In this article, we will look at some of the best places to find Indian Spitz in India. Here are some places where you can find Indian Spitz in India:

Breeders – The easiest way to get an Indian Spitz is to buy one from a reputable breeder. You can find them through online directories or by asking for recommendations from pet lovers and vets.

Pet Stores – Many pet stores in India offer Indian Spitz puppies for sale. However, it’s important to research and visits the store to ensure they have good breeding practices and care for their dogs.

Animal Shelters – You may find Indian Spitz dogs available for adoption at local animal shelters. Adopting a dog from a shelter not only saves a life but also gives you a chance to provide a loving home to a deserving dog.

Online Marketplaces – There are various online marketplaces where you can find Indian Spitz puppies for sale or adoption. However, it’s important to be cautious and do thorough research to avoid scams and ensure that the dog is coming from a reputable source.

Social Media – Many pet lovers and breeders have social media pages where they post about available puppies and upcoming litters. You can search for Indian Spitz breeders and pet groups on Facebook, Instagram, and other platforms.

Other Costs of Owning an Indian Spitz in India

Owning a pet, especially a dog, can be an enriching experience that comes with its own set of costs. While the expenses of feeding and grooming are relatively well-known, there are other costs associated with owning an Indian Spitz in India that may come as a surprise.

1. Cost of Food

Indian Spitz dogs require a balanced and nutritious diet to stay healthy and active. The cost of food can vary depending on the brand and quality of food you choose. On average, you can expect to spend around INR 2,000 – 4,000 per month on food for an adult Indian Spitz.

2. Cost of Grooming                                

Indian Spitz dogs have a thick, double coat that requires regular grooming to prevent matting and tangling. The cost of grooming can vary depending on the frequency of grooming and the type of grooming tools and products you use. You can expect to spend around INR 1,000 – 2,000 per month on grooming expenses for an Indian Spitz.

3. Cost of Veterinary Care

Indian Spitz dogs are generally healthy, but like all dogs, they may require veterinary care from time to time. The cost of veterinary care can vary depending on the type of treatment required. Regular check-ups, vaccinations, and preventive care can cost around INR 3,000 – 5,000 per year. In case of illness or injury, the cost of treatment can range from a few thousand to tens of thousands of rupees, depending on the severity of the condition.

4. Cost of Training

Indian Spitz dogs are intelligent and trainable, but they require proper training and socialization to develop good behavior and obedience. The cost of training can vary depending on the type of training and the trainer you choose. Basic obedience training can cost around INR 5,000 – 10,000, while advanced training or behavior modification may cost more.

Physical Characteristics of Indian Spitz

Physical Characteristics of Indian Spitz

The Indian Spitz is a breed of dog that has gained popularity in recent years. This medium-sized dog has many physical characteristics that make it stand out from other breeds. Here are some physical characteristics of Indian Spitz:

1. Size and weight

Indian Spitz is a small to medium-sized dog breed. The average height of a male Indian Spitz is 10-12 inches (25-30 cm), while females are slightly smaller at 8-10 inches (20-25 cm). The average weight of an Indian Spitz is between 5-10 kg.

2. Coat and color

Indian Spitz has a thick double coat that consists of a soft undercoat and a longer, coarser outer coat. The coat color of Indian Spitz can vary from white, cream, brown, or black. Some dogs may have markings on their coat in shades of brown or black.

3. Body structure and features

Indian Spitz has a well-proportioned body, with a square-shaped head and erect, triangular ears. They have compact bodies with deep chests, straight backs, and curled tails. Indian Spitz has a well-defined muzzle, black nose, and round, dark eyes.

4. Grooming requirements

Indian Spitz requires regular grooming to keep its coat clean and healthy. They need to be brushed at least twice a week to prevent matting and shedding. Bathing should be done only when necessary as frequent bathing can strip the natural oils from their coat. Their nails should be trimmed regularly to prevent overgrowth and discomfort. Their teeth should be brushed regularly to maintain good oral hygiene.

Personality and Temperament of Indian Spitz

Personality and Temperament of Indian Spitz

The Indian Spitz is Known for their playful nature and affectionate personality, these dogs are often kept as pets in households across India. However, it is important to understand the temperament and personality traits of this breed before deciding to adopt one. Here are the personality and temperament traits of Indian Spitz:

1. Temperament and behavior

Indian Spitz is an affectionate, loyal, and intelligent dog breed. They are highly energetic and love to play, making them great companions for active families. Indian Spitz is an alert and vigilant dog breed, making them great watchdogs. They are generally friendly towards strangers but may bark to alert their owners of any potential danger.

2. Trainability and intelligence

Indian Spitz is a highly trainable dog breed that responds well to positive reinforcement techniques such as treats and praise. They are quick learners and can be trained to perform a variety of tricks and tasks. Indian Spitz can be sensitive to harsh training methods, so it’s important to use gentle, patient training techniques.

3. Activity level and exercise requirements

Indian Spitz is a highly active dog breed that requires daily exercise and mental stimulation to stay healthy and happy. They enjoy playing and running outdoors and need at least 30-60 minutes of exercise per day. Indian Spitz is well-suited for apartment living as long as they receive enough exercise and mental stimulation.

4. Compatibility with children and other pets

Indian Spitz is generally good with children and can make great family pets. However, they may not be the best choice for families with very young children as they can be boisterous and may accidentally knock over small children. With proper socialization, Indian Spitz can also get along well with other pets in the household.

Health and Care of Indian Spitz

Health and Care of Indian Spitz

Indian Spitz dogs make wonderful pets for families with children and are known for their loyalty and affectionate personalities. However, just like any other breed of dog, they require proper care and attention to maintain good health. Here is the health and care information for Indian Spitz

1. Common health issues and concerns

Like all dog breeds, Indian Spitz is prone to certain health issues such as hip dysplasia, patellar luxation, dental problems, and eye diseases. They may also be prone to allergies and skin conditions due to their thick coat. It’s important to monitor your Indian Spitz’s health and behavior and take them to the vet regularly for check-ups.

2. Nutrition and dietary needs

Indian Spitz requires a well-balanced and nutritious diet to maintain their health and energy levels. High-quality dog food that contains essential nutrients such as protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals is recommended. Avoid feeding them table scraps or human food as it can upset their digestive system and lead to obesity.

3. Exercise and physical activity

Indian Spitz is a highly active dog breed that requires daily exercise and physical activity to stay healthy and happy. They enjoy playing and running outdoors and need at least 30-60 minutes of exercise per day. Lack of exercise can lead to obesity and other health problems, so it’s important to ensure they get enough physical activity.

4. Vaccinations and regular check-ups

Indian Spitz should be vaccinated against common diseases such as distemper, parvovirus, and rabies. Regular check-ups with a veterinarian are important to monitor their health, detect any health issues early, and ensure they receive appropriate medical care.

Training and Socialization of Indian Spitz

Training and Socialization of Indian Spitz

Training and socialization are essential for any dog breed, but it is especially true for Indian Spitz. This breed is known to be highly intelligent, energetic, and independent, which can make them challenging to train. Here is the information on training and socialization of Indian Spitz:

1. Basic obedience training

Indian Spitz is a highly trainable dog breed that responds well to positive reinforcement training techniques such as treats and praise. Basic obedience training should begin at an early age and should include commands such as sit, stay, come, and down. Consistency and patience are important while training, as Indian Spitz can be sensitive to harsh training methods.

2. Socialization with people and other animals

Socialization is important for Indian Spitz to develop good behavior and temperament around people and other animals. Early socialization should begin as soon as possible, ideally between 3-14 weeks of age. Socialization should include exposure to different people, animals, and environments to prevent fearfulness and aggression.

3. Behavioral issues and training solutions

Indian Spitz may develop behavioral issues such as barking, chewing, and digging if they are not properly trained and socialized. Separation anxiety is also a common issue among Indian Spitz, which can be addressed through gradual separation training and desensitization techniques. Positive reinforcement training techniques such as treats, praise, and toys can be used to address behavioral issues and encourage good behavior.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the Indian Spitz is a popular breed of dog in India that is believed to have originated in the country. Although its exact origins are unclear, the breed has become a beloved companion for many Indian families due to its small size, loyalty, and intelligence. The Indian Spitz price in India is highly adaptable, making it an ideal pet for a variety of living environments.

While the breed is not yet recognized by major international kennel clubs, it is gaining in popularity and is increasingly being bred and shown in dog shows around the world. If you are considering getting an Indian Spitz, it is important to be aware of the costs associated with owning a dog, including food, grooming, veterinary care, and training, to ensure that you can provide the best possible care for your pet.


Are Indian Spitzes easy to train?

Yes, Indian Spitzes are highly trainable and respond well to positive reinforcement training techniques. Consistency and patience are key to successful training.

How much grooming do Indian Spitzes require?

Indian Spitzes require regular grooming to maintain their thick, fluffy coat. This includes brushing at least twice a week, occasional bathing, and regular nail trimming and teeth brushing.

How long do Indian Spitzes live?

Indian Spitzes have a life expectancy of around 12-14 years, with proper care and regular veterinary check-ups.

How much exercise do Indian Spitzes need?

Indian Spitzes require at least 30-60 minutes of exercise per day to stay healthy and happy. This can include walks, runs, and playtime in a secure, fenced yard.

Are Indian Spitzes good apartment dogs?

Yes, Indian Spitzes can adapt well to apartment living, as long as they are given sufficient exercise and mental stimulation.

Do Indian Spitzes shed a lot?

Yes, Indian Spitzes shed moderately to heavily, especially during shedding season. Regular grooming and brushing can help to control shedding.

Are Indian Spitzes good with children?

Yes, Indian Spitzes are generally good with children and make good family pets. However, as with any dog breed, children should always be supervised around dogs to prevent accidents.

What are the best types of spitz dogs?

The best type of spitz dog depends on your personal preferences and lifestyle. Some popular spitz breeds include the German Spitz, American Eskimo Dog, Indian Spitz, Akita, Shiba Inu, and Alaskan Malamute.

Is a Spitz dog the same as a Pomeranian?

Pomeranians are a type of spitz dog, but not all spitz breeds are Pomeranians. Spitz dogs are a group of breeds that share certain physical and behavioral characteristics, such as pointed ears and thick, fluffy coats.

Do Spitz dogs have double coats?

Yes, most spitz breeds have double coats consisting of a soft, dense undercoat and a longer, coarser outer coat. This double coat helps to insulate them from cold weather.

Can Indian Spitz survive in India?

Yes, Indian Spitz is a hardy dog breed that can adapt well to the hot and humid climate of India. They require proper care, including regular grooming and exercise, to stay healthy and happy.

Which is better Pomeranian or Indian Spitz?

Choosing between Pomeranian and Indian Spitz depends on personal preferences and lifestyle. Both breeds are similar in size, appearance, and temperament. However, Pomeranians tend to be more popular as companion dog and may require more grooming due to their thick coat. Indian Spitz is a more active and energetic breed that requires regular exercise and mental stimulation. Ultimately, it is important to do your research and choose a breed that fits your lifestyle and personality.

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