Budgies Price In India – [Update 2023]

Budgies Price In India

Budgies, also known as budgerigars or parakeets, are small and colorful pet birds that have gained immense popularity among bird enthusiasts in India. Their vibrant plumage, playful nature, and ability to mimic sounds make them fascinating companions for both experienced and first-time bird owners. If you’re considering adding a budgie to your family, understanding the typical price range is an essential aspect of making an informed decision.

In this brief overview, we will explore the factors that influence the Budgies price in India, helping you gain a general understanding of the costs involved in acquiring these delightful avian companions. It’s important to note that the prices mentioned here are subject to variation based on factors such as location, breeder reputation, color mutations, and availability.

Whether you’re an aspiring budgie owner or simply curious about the costs associated with these charming birds, this guide will provide you with a starting point for understanding budgies price range in India.

Average Budgies Price In India

The average single budgie price in India can vary depending on factors such as the bird’s age, color mutation, and breeder reputation. On average, you can expect to find single budgies priced between ₹500 to ₹1500 INR in India. However, certain rare color mutations or exhibition-quality budgies may be priced higher.

When it comes to purchasing a pair of budgies, the price will typically be higher than that of a single bird. The cost of a budgie pair can range from ₹1000 to ₹3000 INR, again depending on various factors such as age, color mutations, and breeder reputation.

It’s important to note that these Budgies price in India ranges are approximate and can vary across different regions of India and between individual breeders or pet shops. Additionally, prices may fluctuate over time due to factors such as supply and demand. Before making a purchase, it’s advisable to research and visit multiple reputable breeders or pet shops to compare Budgies price in India and ensure the well-being of the budgies you plan to bring into your home.

Budgies Price across different regions In India

Budgies Price across different regions In India

Budgies, also known as parakeets, are among the most popular pet birds in India. They are beloved for their playful and affectionate nature, striking colors, and melodious singing. If you’re considering adding a budgie to your family, it’s important to know how much they cost across different cities in India. Here’s a table showcasing the average prices of budgies across 15 different cities in India. Please note that these Budgies price in India are approximate and can vary based on factors such as breeder reputation, color mutations, and availability.

NoCityAverage Price for a Single Budgie (INR)Average Price for a Pair of Budgies (INR)
1Budgies Price In Mumbai700 – 15001200 – 3000
2Budgies Price In Delhi600 – 13001000 – 2800
3Budgies Price In Kolkata500 – 1200900 – 2000
4Budgies Price In Chennai550 – 13001000 – 2200
5Budgies Price In Bangalore600 – 14001100 – 2400
6Budgies Price In Hyderabad550 – 12001000 – 2100
7Budgies Price In Ahmedabad500 – 1100900 – 1900
8Budgies Price In Pune600 – 13001000 – 2200
9Budgies Price In Jaipur550 – 12001000 – 2100
10Budgies Price Lucknow500 – 1100900 – 1900
11Budgies Price In Chandigarh550 – 12001000 – 2100
12Budgies Price In Indore500 – 1100900 – 1900
13Budgies Price In Kochi600 – 14001100 – 2400
14Budgies Price Guwahati550 – 12001000 – 2100
15Budgies Price In Bhubaneswar500 – 1100900 – 1900

varieties and types of budgies bird

Budgies, or budgerigars, are known for their diverse and captivating range of colors and patterns. Here are some of the popular varieties and types of budgies:

  1. Normal/Standard Budgies: These are the original wild-type budgies with a green body, yellow head, and black barring on the wings and back. They serve as the base color for other mutations.
  2. Albino Budgies: Albino budgies lack melanin pigment, resulting in a predominantly white plumage with pink or red eyes. They are visually striking and have a unique appearance.
  3. Lutino Budgies: Lutino budgies display a vibrant yellow color throughout their body, including their feathers, beaks, and legs. They also have red or pink eyes, which adds to their charm.
  4. Pied Budgies: Pied budgies have patches of white or light-colored feathers mixed with their base color, creating a beautiful and contrasting pied pattern. Each pied budgie’s pattern is unique.
  5. Spangle Budgies: Spangle budgies have a distinct feather pattern where the typical barring on the wings is partially or completely removed. This gives them a clear or spangled appearance, showcasing their base color more prominently.
  6. Clearwing Budgies: Clearwing budgies have diluted wing markings, making their flight feathers appear lighter or transparent. Their body color remains unaffected, providing a captivating contrast.
  7. Cinnamon Budgies: Cinnamon budgies have a warm, brownish or cinnamon hue instead of the typical black coloration seen in the wings and body feathers. This mutation gives them an earthy and softer appearance.
  8. Greywing Budgies: Greywing budgies have a lighter shade of body color and reduced melanin in their feathers, resulting in a softer and more pastel appearance compared to the standard budgie.
  9. Opaline Budgies: Opaline budgies have a unique feather structure that gives them a scalloped or wavy appearance. They have more solid and broader feather markings, and the pattern is more prominent in females.
  10. Dilute Budgies: Dilute budgies have a diluted or washed-out appearance due to reduced pigmentation. The colors appear softer, lighter, and less intense than those of the normal budgies.
  11. Crested Budgies: Crested budgies have a distinctive feather formation on the top of their heads, forming a crest or “crown.” This mutation adds an extra visual element to their appearance.
  12. Spangle Crested Budgies: These budgies combine the spangle mutation with the crested mutation. They exhibit the spangled pattern on their body feathers and have a crest on top of their heads, creating a unique and eye-catching combination.

Brief overview about budgies

Brief overview about budgies

Budgies, also known as budgerigars or parakeets, are small and colorful birds that belong to the parrot family. They are native to Australia and are widely popular as pets around the world. Here’s a brief overview of budgies:

1. Physical Characteristics:

Budgies are small birds, typically measuring about 6 to 8 inches (15 to 20 centimeters) in length. They have a compact body with a long, tapered tail. Wild-type budgies have bright green plumage, yellow heads, and black markings on their wings and back. However, through selective breeding, a wide variety of color mutations have been developed, resulting in budgies with vibrant and diverse feather colors and patterns.

2. Intelligence and Behavior:

Budgies are intelligent and social birds. They are known for their ability to mimic sounds, including human speech, and can be trained to perform tricks and tasks. Budgies are highly social creatures and thrive on interaction and companionship. They enjoy spending time outside of their cage, exploring their environment, and interacting with their human caregivers.

3. Diet:

Budgies are primarily herbivorous and feed on a variety of seeds, grains, fruits, and vegetables. A balanced diet for a budgie typically includes high-quality budgie pellets, fresh fruits, vegetables, and occasional treats. Fresh water should always be available.

4. Housing and Care:

Budgies require a suitable cage that provides enough space for them to move around and stretch their wings. The cage should have perches of different sizes and materials to promote foot health. Budgies are active birds and benefit from regular out-of-cage time for exercise and mental stimulation. They also appreciate toys and enrichment items in their cage to keep them engaged.

5. Health and Lifespan:

Budgies are generally hardy birds when provided with proper care. Regular veterinary check-ups are recommended to ensure their health and well-being. The lifespan of a budgie can vary but typically ranges from 5 to 10 years, although some budgies have been known to live longer with good care and a healthy lifestyle.

6. Budgies as Pets:

Budgies make popular pets due to their small size, colorful plumage, and interactive nature. They are relatively easy to care for and can provide companionship and entertainment. However, it’s important to remember that budgies require daily attention, socialization, and mental stimulation to thrive as pets.

Brief History Of Budgies Bird

Brief History Of Budgies Bird

Budgerigars, commonly known as budgies or parakeets, have a rich and fascinating history. These small, colorful birds are native to Australia, where they have been present for thousands of years. The indigenous Aboriginal people of Australia had a close relationship with budgies, appreciating their beauty and even using them as food.

The first European encounter with budgies occurred in 1770 when Captain James Cook and his crew landed on the eastern coast of Australia. However, it was not until the early 19th century that budgies started to gain attention in the Western world. In the 1840s, live budgies were brought to England, where they quickly captivated bird enthusiasts with their charming personalities and ability to mimic sounds.

Budgies were initially considered exotic pets for the wealthy, but as their popularity grew, they became more accessible to a wider range of people. With advances in breeding techniques and the discovery of various color mutations, budgies became even more diverse and attractive to bird lovers.

In the 20th century, budgies gained widespread popularity around the globe, particularly after World War II when they were exported to many countries. Their affordability, low maintenance requirements, and ability to bond with humans made them one of the most beloved pet birds worldwide.

Today, budgies continue to be cherished companions and are often kept as pets in households around the world. Their playful nature, intelligence, and ability to mimic speech have made them one of the most popular avian pets, ensuring their place in both aviculture and the hearts of bird enthusiasts everywhere.

Factors Affecting Budgies Price In India

Factors Affecting Budgies Price In India

The price of budgies in India can vary depending on several factors. Here are some factors that can affect the Budgies price in India market:

1. Breed: Budgies come in different colors and patterns, and certain breeds are more sought after than others. Rare or uncommon breeds may be priced higher due to their uniqueness and limited availability.

2. Age: Age can also influence the Budgies price in India. Younger budgies, particularly hand-raised ones, tend to be more expensive compared to older birds.

3. Color Mutation: Budgies with rare or desirable color mutations, such as lutino, albino, or pied, are often priced higher as they are considered more visually appealing.

4. Gender: In some cases, the gender of the budgie can affect the Budgies price in India. Male budgies, especially those that have been trained to mimic sounds or talk, are generally more in demand and may command a higher price.

5. Health and Condition: Budgies that are in good health, free from diseases or deformities, and have shiny plumage are generally priced higher. Buyers are willing to pay more for a healthy and vibrant bird.

6. Source and Breeder Reputation: The reputation of the breeder or seller can impact the Budgies price in India. Established breeders known for producing high-quality, well-cared-for budgies may charge more for their birds compared to less reputable sellers.

7. Location and Availability: The Budgies price in India can also vary based on the region or city. Birds available in urban areas or areas with high demand may be priced higher compared to less populated regions.

8. Supply and Demand: The overall supply and demand for budgies in the market can influence the Budgies price in India. If there is a high demand for budgies and limited availability, prices may be driven up.

Where to buy Budgies for sale In India

If you’re looking to buy budgies for sale in India, there are several options available to you. Here are some common sources where you can find budgies:

1. Pet Shops: Local pet shops often have budgies available for sale. Visit pet shops in your area and inquire about their budgie selection. It’s essential to ensure that the pet shop maintains proper care and hygiene for their birds.

2. Bird Breeders: Budgie breeders specialize in breeding and raising budgies. They can provide a wider range of color mutations and may offer healthier and well-socialized budgies. Research reputable breeders in your region, visit their facilities if possible, and ask about their breeding practices and the health of their birds.

3. Bird Shows and Exhibitions: Bird shows and exhibitions are excellent places to find reputable breeders and a variety of budgies. These events often feature exhibitions, competitions, and sales of different bird species, including budgies. Check for bird shows and exhibitions happening in your area and attend to explore your options.

4. Online Classifieds and Websites: There are online platforms and classified websites where individuals and breeders list budgies for sale. Some popular websites in India include OLX, Quikr, and BirdsNow. When buying online, exercise caution, research the sellers thoroughly, and consider arranging a visit or requesting additional information and pictures before making a purchase.

5. Avian Associations and Clubs: Avian associations and bird clubs are organizations dedicated to bird enthusiasts and breeders. They often have members who breed and sell budgies. Contact local avian associations or clubs to inquire about budgies for sale or ask for recommendations on trusted breeders.

Additional costs associated with owning a pet budgie

Additional costs associated with owning a pet budgie

Owning a pet budgie involves more than just the initial purchase price. There are additional costs to consider for the well-being and proper care of your budgie. Here are some common expenses associated with owning a pet budgie and their approximate price range in India:

1. Cage:

A suitable cage is essential for your budgie’s comfort and safety. The price of a budgie cage can range from ₹800 to ₹3000 INR ($11 to $40 USD) or more, depending on the size, quality, and features of the cage.

2. Food and Treats:

Budgies require a balanced diet consisting of pellets, seeds, fresh fruits, and vegetables. The monthly cost of food and treats for a budgie can vary but may range from ₹300 to ₹800 INR ($4 to $11 USD), depending on the quality and brand of the products.

3. Toys and Enrichment:

Budgies are active and intelligent birds that require mental stimulation. Providing toys, perches, and interactive accessories is important. The cost of toys and enrichment items for a budgie can range from ₹200 to ₹500 INR ($3 to $7 USD) or more, depending on the type and quality of the items.

4. Bedding and Substrate:

A suitable bedding or substrate is needed to line the cage floor. Options include newspaper, paper-based bedding, or sand sheets. The cost can range from ₹100 to ₹300 INR ($1 to $4 USD) per month, depending on the type and quantity used.

5. Veterinary Care:

Regular check-ups and veterinary care are crucial for your budgie’s health. The cost of a vet visit for a budgie can range from ₹500 to ₹1500 INR ($7 to $20 USD) or more, depending on the vet’s fees and any additional treatments or tests required.

6. Accessories and Miscellaneous:

Other expenses may include water and food bowls, a cage cover, a bird bath, grooming supplies, and cleaning products. The cost for these items can vary, but budgeting around ₹200 to ₹500 INR ($3 to $7 USD) initially should cover basic needs.

Tips on caring for your budgie

Budgies are popular pets among bird lovers because of their friendly disposition and colorful plumage. However, just like any other pet, budgies require proper care to thrive. Here are 5 tips on caring for your budgie that will help keep them healthy and happy.

1. Provide a spacious cage: Budgies need plenty of room to move around, stretch their wings, and exercise. The minimum cage size for one or two budgies is 18 x 18 x 24 inches.

2. Offer fresh water and food daily: Clean water and fresh food should be provided daily in separate dishes. A balanced diet for budgies includes pellets, seeds, fruits, vegetables, and occasional treats.

3. Keep the cage clean: Regular cleaning of the cage is necessary to maintain good hygiene standards for your pet’s health. Remove droppings from the bottom tray daily and replace bedding as needed.

4. Offer toys for play and chewing: Budgies love toys, and a variety of them is sure to keep your pet occupied. Toys should be changed often to prevent boredom which can lead to behavioral problems.

5. Keep the cage in a quiet, safe place: Budgies are very social animals and like to be around people. However, they should not be allowed to fly free or handle them. They should spend most of their time in their cage where they can feel safe and secure.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, budgies are a popular pet bird in India due to their colorful feathers and playful nature. The budgies cost in India can vary depending on the breed, age, and location of the seller. It is important for potential buyers to do their research and purchase from a reputable breeder or pet store to ensure the health and well-being of the bird. With proper care and attention, budgies can make wonderful companions for many years to come. So, if you are considering getting a new pet bird, consider adding a budgie to your family today!


Can Budgies be trained?

Yes, Budgies can be trained with patience and positive reinforcement. They can learn to step up onto your hand, perform simple tricks, and even mimic sounds or words. Training sessions should be short, frequent, and rewarding to maintain their interest and cooperation.

Are Budgies noisy?

Budgies are generally not considered loud birds compared to some larger parrot species. They do chirp and vocalize, especially during the morning and evening, but their noise level is generally manageable and can be soothing to many owners.

How often should I clean my Budgie’s cage?

It is important to clean your Budgie’s cage regularly. Remove droppings and soiled bedding daily, and thoroughly clean the cage and accessories at least once a week to maintain a clean and hygienic environment for your bird.

Can Budgies be kept alone or do they need a companion?

Budgies are highly social birds and thrive in the company of other Budgies. It is generally recommended to keep them in pairs or small groups for their mental and emotional well-being. However, with sufficient human interaction and stimulation, a single Budgie can still lead a happy life.

Can Budgies talk?

Yes, Budgies are capable of learning to mimic sounds, including human speech. Not all Budgies will talk, but some can develop an impressive vocabulary with training and regular interaction.

How big do Budgies get?

Budgies are small birds, typically measuring about 7-8 inches (18-20 centimeters) in length, including their tail feathers.

What are common health issues in Budgies?

Budgies are prone to various health issues, including respiratory problems, mites, and nutritional deficiencies. Regular veterinary check-ups, a balanced diet, and a clean environment can help prevent many health problems.

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