Wolf Dog Price In India – Best 2023 Guide

Wolf Dog Price In India

A wolf dog is a hybrid animal resulting from the crossbreeding of a domestic dog with a wild wolf. These animals are often bred for their distinctive appearance and traits, such as their loyalty, intelligence, and strong prey drive. In India, the wolf dog is a rare breed and can be quite expensive to purchase.

The wolf dog price in India can vary widely, depending on several factors such as the breeder’s reputation, the animal’s age, gender, and lineage, as well as its health and temperament. Generally, a wolf dog price in India can be anywhere from 100,000 to 2,50,000 Indian Rupees (INR), with some breeders charging even higher prices for dogs with exceptional traits or from rare bloodlines.

It’s important to note that owning a wolf dog in India requires special care and attention. These animals are not suited for first-time dog owners and can be challenging to train and socialize with. They require a lot of exercise, stimulation, and attention, and may have unique dietary and healthcare needs due to their hybrid nature. In addition, some Indian states have restrictions on the ownership of wolf dogs, so it’s important to check with local authorities before purchasing one.

Potential buyers of wolf dogs in India should be prepared to invest time, money, and effort into the animal’s care and well-being. They should also do their research and find a reputable breeder who can provide them with all the necessary information about the breed, including any potential health issues or behavioral concerns. By taking these precautions, wolf dog owners in India can enjoy the unique and rewarding experience of sharing their lives with one of these fascinating and loyal animals.

Average Wolf Dog Price In India

The wolf dog price in India can vary greatly depending on various factors, such as the breeder’s reputation, the wolf dog’s age, gender, and lineage. In general, wolf dogs are not commonly bred in India, and those that are available for sale are often imported from other countries, which can make them quite expensive. The wolf dog price in India can range from Rs. 100,000 to Rs. 300,0000 or even more, depending on the factors mentioned above.

Prices of Wolf dog in different locations of India

Average Prices of Wolf dog in India

Dogs have been man’s best friend for centuries, but what about their wild ancestors, the wolves? In India, many people are fascinated by the idea of owning a wolf-dog hybrid. However, this breed is not as common as domestic dogs and can be quite expensive to purchase. Here is a table that shows the prices of wolf dog in different regions of India.

NoLocationPrice Range (INR)
1Wolf Dog Price In Delhi50,000 – 2,50,000
2Wolf Dog Price In Mumbai60,000 – 2,50,000
3Wolf Dog Price In Bangalore70,000 – 3,00,000
4Average Wolf Dog Price In Chennai50,000 – 2,50,000
5Kolkata Wolf Dog Price60,000 – 2,50,000
6Hyderabad Wolf Dog Price80,000 – 3,-00,000
7Wolf Dog Price Pune70,000 – 3,00,000
8Wolf Dog Price In Ahmedabad50,000 – 2,50,000
9Wolf Dog Price In Jaipur60,000 – 2,50,000
10Wolf Dog Price In Lucknow50,000 – 2,50,000

Popular Breeds in Wolf dog with average price in India

Popular Breeds in Wolf dog with average price in india

It’s important to note that breeding wolf dogs is controversial and not recognized by most kennel clubs as it involves breeding between wild wolves and domestic dogs, which can result in unpredictable and potentially dangerous behavior. Furthermore, owning a wolf dog requires extensive knowledge and experience in handling these animals, and they are not suitable for inexperienced dog owners. That being said, here are some popular breeds of wolf dogs along with the approximate average wolf dog price in India:

Czechoslovakian Wolfdog – This breed is a mix of a German Shepherd and a Carpathian wolf. It is an active and intelligent breed, often used for search and rescue, tracking, and obedience competitions. The average price for a Czechoslovakian Wolfdog in India ranges from 80,000 to 2,50,000 INR.

Saarloos Wolfdog – This breed is a mix of a German Shepherd and a Eurasian wolf. It is a large and energetic breed, often used for hunting and agility competitions. The average price for a Saarloos Wolfdog in India ranges from 1,00,000 to 2,50,000 INR.

Tamaskan – This breed is a mix of several northern breeds, including the Siberian Husky, Alaskan Malamute, and German Shepherd, with no wolf content. It has a wolf-like appearance but has a friendly and affectionate temperament. The average price for a Tamaskan in India ranges from 70,000 to 2,50,000 INR.

Utonagan – This breed is a mix of several northern breeds, including the Alaskan Malamute, Siberian Husky, and German Shepherd, with no wolf content. It has a wolf-like appearance and is known for its intelligence and loyalty. The average price for a Utonagan in India ranges from 60,000 to 2,50,000 INR.

Characteristics of Wolf Dogs

Wolf dogs, also known as wolf hybrids, are animals that are bred by mating a domestic dog with a wild wolf. As such, their characteristics can vary widely depending on the breed of dog and the subspecies of wolf involved in their breeding. However, some common characteristics of wolf dogs include:

Appearance: Wolf dogs tend to be larger than regular dogs and have a more muscular build. Their coat can vary from thick and dense to short and sleek and is often gray or black with white markings. They also tend to have a distinctive wolf-like appearance, with pointed ears and a long muzzle.

Temperament: Wolf dogs can be very intelligent and loyal, but they also tend to be more independent and unpredictable than regular dogs. They can be fiercely protective of their family and may have a strong prey drive. Wolf dogs also tend to be more vocal than regular dogs and may howl or bark more frequently.

Socialization: Proper socialization is crucial for wolf dogs, as they can be prone to aggression towards humans and other animals if they are not trained and socialized from an early age. They are also known to be territorial and may view unfamiliar people or animals as a threat.

Exercise and activity level: Wolf dogs have a lot of energy and require plenty of exercises and mental stimulation. They enjoy activities like hiking, swimming, and playing fetch, and may become destructive if they do not get enough exercise.

Legal restrictions: In many parts of the world, owning a wolf dog is illegal or requires a special license. This is because of their unpredictable nature and potential danger to humans and other animals.

Training & Care of Wolf Dog In India

Training & Care of Wolf Dog In India

Training a wolf dog requires patience, consistency, and socialization. It is crucial to start training them at a young age and establish clear boundaries and rules. Socializing them with other dogs, people, and environments will help prevent aggressive behavior and build their confidence. However, it is important to remember that wolf dogs have a strong instinctual drive, and may not respond to traditional training methods. Therefore, working with an experienced trainer or behaviorist is recommended.

In terms of care, wolf dogs require a high-protein diet and regular exercise. They are active and energetic, and need plenty of space to run and play. It is also important to provide them with a safe and secure outdoor area, as they are skilled escape artists. Additionally, regular veterinary check-ups and vaccinations are essential to ensure their health and well-being.

Overall, owning a wolf dog in India can be a rewarding experience with the right training and care. However, it is important to remember that these animals have unique needs and should only be adopted by experienced and responsible owners who are committed to providing them with a safe and fulfilling life.

History of Wolf Dogs

Wolf dogs, also known as wolf-dog hybrids, are a crossbreed between a domestic dog and a wild wolf. This hybridization has been happening for thousands of years, with early humans domesticating wolves to create the first domesticated dogs. However, the intentional breeding of wolf dogs as pets or working animals is a relatively recent development.

In the early 20th century, a German zoologist named Ernst von Salomon began breeding wolf dogs for military and police work. He believed that the intelligence and strength of wolves could be combined with the obedience and loyalty of dogs to create the ultimate working animal. This idea caught on, and soon other breeders began producing wolf dogs for various purposes.

However, the breeding of wolf dogs has always been controversial, with many experts warning of the dangers of hybridization. Wolf dogs have a high prey drive and can be unpredictable, making them unsuitable as pets for most people. In addition, their wild instincts can make them difficult to train and control.

In the 1970s, the United States government banned the importation of wolves for breeding purposes, effectively ending the commercial breeding of wolf dogs. However, some enthusiasts continued to breed them illegally, and today wolf dogs can still be found in some parts of the world.

Despite the controversy surrounding wolf dogs, some people still believe that they make excellent pets and working animals. However, owning a wolf dog requires a high level of commitment, knowledge, and responsibility. Potential owners should research the breed thoroughly and be prepared for the unique challenges that come with owning a hybrid animal.

Availability of Wolf Dogs in India

Availability of Wolf Dogs in India

The availability of Wolf Dogs in India is a topic that has gained significant attention and controversy in recent years. Many people are fascinated by these majestic animals and have started to keep them as pets. However, the question remains whether it is legal or ethical to do so.

Wolf dogs are hybrids between wolves and domesticated dogs, which makes them difficult to manage as they possess both wild and domestic traits. These animals require specific care, including training, socialization, and exercise to ensure their well-being. While some breeders claim that they can provide this care, there are concerns about the breeding practices used and the impact on native wildlife if these animals escape or are released into the wild.

In India, there is no specific law against owning wolf dogs; however, animal welfare organizations advise against it due to safety concerns for both the owner and the animal.

Factors Influencing wolf dog Price in India

Factors Influencing wolf dog Price in India

Wolf dogs are a unique breed that has captured the hearts of many dog lovers. They are a mix between wolves and domesticated dogs, resulting in a strikingly beautiful appearance and an intriguing personalities. In India, wolf dogs have gained popularity in recent years, with more people looking to own them as pets. However, the wolf dog price in India can vary significantly depending on various factors.

1- Breeding:

The price of wolf dogs can vary significantly based on several factors. One of the primary drivers of wolf dog price in India is breeding. Breeders who put in more effort will often charge a higher fee for their wolf dogs. The quality of breeding plays a significant role in determining the wolf dog price in India. Breeders who invest time and resources into understanding the genetics and personality traits necessary for creating healthy, well-behaved wolf dogs will charge higher fees compared to those who don’t. These breeders focus on producing puppies that have strong characters, sound health, good temperament, and desirable physical characteristics.

2- Lineage:

The lineage of the wolf-dog can also impact the wolf dog price in India. The lineage of the wolf dog refers to its breeding history and the purity of its wolf bloodline. Wolf dogs with pure wolf bloodlines tend to be more expensive because they are rarer and harder to come by than those with mixed bloodlines. Additionally, purebred wolf dogs are often bred for specific traits such as size or coat color, which can also impact their price.

3- Age:

The age and gender of the wolf dog also affect its price. Puppies are typically more expensive than adult dogs as they require more care and attention during their formative years. Additionally, male wolf dogs tend to be priced higher due to their larger size and dominance tendencies compared to females.

4- Size:

One significant factor that influences the price of a wolf-dog in India is its size. Typically, larger wolf dogs are more expensive than smaller ones. The size of a wolf-dog is determined by its weight and height. In general, males are larger than females, with an average weight ranging from 60 to 120 pounds and a height between 24 to 36 inches at the shoulder.

5- Health:

The health of the wolf dog is a significant factor in its price. A healthy wolf dog will always be more expensive than one with health issues. Good breeders invest in quality veterinary care to ensure the puppies are free from diseases and genetic disorders. The cost of vaccinations, deworming medications, and regular check-ups all contribute to the overall wolf dog price in India. Buyers should also look out for other signs of good health such as bright eyes, clear skin, an active temperament, and a thick fur coat.

6- Demand:

One of the most significant factors that influence the wolf dog price in India is demand. As more people become interested in owning this exotic animal breed, the price naturally goes up due to supply and demand economics. Additionally, high demand for specific colors or coat patterns can result in higher prices for certain pups. In areas where they are more popular or rare, they may be more expensive.

7- Location:

The location of the breeder can also influence the wolf dog price in India. wolf dogs that are located in urban areas tend to be more expensive than those in rural areas due to higher demand and transportation costs. Additionally, wolf dogs bred and raised by reputable breeders often come with a heftier price tag compared to those obtained from less scrupulous sources such as backyard breeders or pet stores.

8- Training:

The type of training that the wolf dog undergoes also plays a role in determining its price. For example, a wolf-dog that has been trained for security purposes will likely be priced higher than one trained as a companion animal or for hunting purposes. Security training involves specialized techniques such as attack and defense maneuvers which require additional time and resources to teach.

9- Coat Color:

In some cases, the color of the wolf dog’s coat can also affect wolf dog price in India. Rare coat colors may be more expensive. It’s no secret that certain coat colors are more desirable than others. For example, black and gray coats tend to be more sought after than white or cream-colored coats. This is because black and gray are more closely associated with wolves, which gives them a “wild” look that many people find appealing.

Maintenance Costs of Wolf Dog in India

Maintenance Costs of Wolf Dog in India

The maintenance costs of a wolf dog in India can vary depending on several factors such as the breed, size, age, health, and individual needs of the dog.

Here are some of the typical expenses you might expect when owning a wolf dog in India:

Food and Water: Wolf dogs require a high-quality, protein-rich diet that can cost between INR 5000 to INR 10,000 per month, depending on the dog’s size and dietary needs. Additionally, clean water should be available at all times.

Veterinary Care: Regular check-ups, vaccinations, and preventive medications can cost between INR 2,000 to INR 10,000 per year. In case of any medical emergencies, the cost can significantly increase.

Grooming: Wolf dogs require regular grooming, which can include bathing, brushing, and trimming. You can expect to spend between INR 1,000 to INR 5,000 per year on grooming costs.

Training: As wolf dogs are a hybrid breed, they require specialized training and socialization. Training costs can range from INR 5,000 to INR 20,000 per year, depending on the type of training and trainer’s fee.

Housing: As wolf dogs require plenty of space to move around, they are not suitable for apartments. They need large yards or kennels that can be expensive to build or rent.

Overall, the cost of owning a wolf dog in India can range between INR 10,000 to INR 50,000 per year. However, it’s important to note that these are just approximate costs, and the actual expenses can vary significantly depending on several factors, including the individual needs of the dog.

Common health issues in wolf dogs

Wolfdogs, which are a hybrid of wolves and domestic dogs, can be prone to certain health issues that affect both parent species. Here are some common health issues in wolfdogs:

  1. Hip dysplasia: This is a common condition in large breed dogs and wolfdogs, where the hip joint doesn’t develop properly, causing pain and mobility issues.
  2. Bloat: Also known as gastric torsion, bloat is a life-threatening condition where the stomach fills with gas and twists, cutting off blood flow to the organs.
  3. Hypothyroidism: Wolfdogs can be prone to thyroid disorders, which can cause weight gain, lethargy, and other symptoms.
  4. Progressive retinal atrophy: This is a genetic condition that can lead to blindness in wolfdogs.
  5. Allergies: Wolfdogs may develop allergies to food or environmental triggers, which can cause skin irritation, itching, and other symptoms.
  6. Dental issues: Wolfdogs can be prone to dental problems, such as gum disease and tooth decay, due to their large jaws and teeth.
  7. Parasites: Like all dogs, wolfdogs can be affected by fleas, ticks, and other parasites, which can cause health problems if left untreated.

It’s important to work with a veterinarian who is experienced in treating wolfdogs to ensure that they receive proper care and treatment for any health issues that may arise. Additionally, regular check-ups and preventative care, such as vaccinations and parasite prevention, can help keep your wolfdog healthy and happy.

Pros & Cons of owning wolf Dog in India

Owning a wolf-dog in India can be a unique and exciting experience, but it also comes with significant challenges and responsibilities. Here are some pros and cons to consider before getting a wolf-dog:


  1. Unique and exotic pet: Wolf-dogs are not common in India, and owning one can be a conversation starter and a unique addition to your household.
  2. Intelligent and loyal: Wolf dogs are highly intelligent animals and can develop a strong bond with their owners.
  3. Good guard dogs: Due to their wolf heritage, they are naturally protective and territorial, which can make them excellent guard dogs.


  1. High maintenance: Wolf dogs require a lot of attention and socialization from a young age, or they can become aggressive and difficult to handle. They also require significant exercise and mental stimulation to keep them healthy and happy.
  2. Potential danger: Due to their wolf heritage, they can be unpredictable and aggressive, especially if not socialized properly. Wolf-dogs are not recommended for families with young children or inexperienced owners.
  3. Limited veterinary care: As wolf dogs are not common in India, finding a veterinarian with experience treating them can be challenging.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, while it is possible to purchase a wolf-dog in India, it is important to note that these animals require specialized care and are not recommended as pets for most people. Additionally, the cost of a wolf-dog can vary greatly depending on several factors, including the animal’s age, breed, and pedigree. It is important to thoroughly research and consider all factors before deciding to bring a wolf-dog into your home. Ultimately, it is essential to prioritize the welfare of the animal and ensure that you can provide it with the proper environment and care that it needs to thrive.


Q: Is it legal to own a wolf dog in India?

A: Yes, it is legal to own a wolf dog in India, but it is important to check with local authorities and ensure that you have all the necessary permits and licenses.

Q: Are wolf dogs suitable as pets?

A: Wolf dogs require specialized care and are not recommended as pets for most people. They can be difficult to train and may exhibit aggressive or destructive behavior if not properly socialized.

Q: What kind of environment do wolf dogs require?

A: Wolf dogs require a large, secure outdoor area where they can exercise and explore. They also need plenty of mental stimulation, such as interactive toys or puzzles.

Q: Can wolf dogs be trained?

A: Yes, wolf dogs can be trained, but it requires patience, consistency, and experience working with these types of animals.

Q: What are the health risks associated with owning a wolf dog?

A: Wolf dogs may be susceptible to certain health issues, such as hip dysplasia, eye problems, and genetic disorders. It is important to work with a reputable breeder and schedule regular vet checkups to ensure the animal’s health and well-being.

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